CS373 Spring 2021: Remus Wong

Remus Wong
2 min readApr 11, 2021
  1. What did you do this past week?
    I am very surprised that Downing further extended the due date for the project to Friday but I am not complaining. I spent a little bit of time with one of my team members to optimize our backend because we are having some slow load times. I also spent some time participating in the datahack hosted this weekend and had some fun. I’m not too interested in data science but it was fun working with some friends and learning a bit more about the subject.
  2. What’s in your way?
    Most of the bases for the project of phase III have been covered from our work in phase II. We still need to clean up our front end as we haven’t put that much thought into it.
  3. What will you do next week?
    I think that I will need to ask the TA on how to optimize our queries. I think the problem lies in our loading methods as we are bulk requesting over 20,000 items at one time instead of doing some type of asynchronous call. I did a little bit of research and am looking into using axios or react hooks to do lazy loading.
  4. If you read it, what did you think of the Why getter and setter methods are evil?
    Well, I’ve completed the 10 papers so I’m kind of chilling with readings. However, I still game the article a quick skim and can agree with most of the points. I don’t think that I utilize getters and setters as much as I did when I first started programming so the concepts resonated with me.
  5. What was your experience of select, project, cross join and theta join? (this question will vary, week to week)
    I’m familiar with using SQL so it was a little weird seeing the unabstracted way it can be implemented in python.
  6. What made you happy this week?
    I got my first vaccine this week. I’m glad that the US has been doing a relatively good job at distributing the vaccines.
  7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
    If you are having trouble will load times when requesting your entire database, you should look at react-hook or axios to do asynchronous loading.

